
Program Evaluation Frameworks: Why do they matter?
Alemdar, M. & Cappeli, C.J. (2020, November 4). Program Evaluation Frameworks: Why do they matter? NSF Advancing Research&Innovation in the STEM Education of Preservice Teachers in High-Need School Districts (ARISE). [view]

Reinventing the InVenture Prize: Transforming a Year-Long Invention Program into a Week-Long, University-Based Summer Program (Evaluation)
Boice, K., Cappelli, C., Alemdar, M., Patel, J., & Moore, R. (2020). "Reinventing the InVenture Prize: Transforming a Year-Long Invention Program into a Week-Long, University-Based Summer Program (Evaluation)." Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference. [download]

Exploring critical components of an integrated STEM curriculum: An application of the innovation implementation framework
Gale, J., Alemdar, M., Lingle, J., & Newton, S. (2020). Exploring critical components of an integrated STEM curriculum: An application of the innovation implementation framework. International Journal of STEM Education. [download]

Delivering K-12 invention and entrepreneurship to rural areas: programming, teacher experiences, and student outcomes in a partner hub
Newton, S.H., Moore, R.A., Alemdar, M., & Cone, T. (2020, June). Delivering K-12 invention and entrepreneurship to rural areas: programming, teacher experiences, and student outcomes in a partner hub. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference, Virtual Conference. [download]

Integrating Sustainability into a Freshman-Engineering Course through an Institute-Level Initiative: A Teaching–Learning Model with Authentic Activity and Context
Pucha, R., Dosa, K., Newton, S., Alemdar, M., Yow, R. and Hirsch, J. (2020), "Integrating Sustainability into a Freshman-Engineering Course through an Institute-Level Initiative: A Teaching–Learning Model with Authentic Activity and Context", Sengupta, E., Blessinger, P. and Yamin, T.S. (Ed.) Integrating Sustainable Development into the Curriculum (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 18), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 125-143. [view]

Contextualized design projects in graphics and visualization course: Student perceptions and sustainability systems-thinking knowledge
Pucha, R., Newton, S.H., Alemdar, M., Hull, R.W., & Bhagat, A. (2020, June). Contextualized design projects in graphics and visualization course: Student perceptions and sustainability systems-thinking knowledge. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference, Virtual Conference. [download]


Exploring the Impact of a Teacher Preparation Program on Early Career Teacher Support Networks
Alemdar, M., Cappelli, C.J., Gale, J. (2020). Exploring the Impact of a Teacher Preparation Program on Early Career Teacher Support Networks [Poster Session]. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Paris, France. (Conference Canceled)

Impact of Beginning Career Teachers' Social Network and Self-Efficacy on Retention
Alemdar, M., Cappelli, C. , Gale, J. (2020, March). Impact of Beginning Career Teachers' Social Network and Self-Efficacy on Retention. Paper accepted at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Portland, OR. [download]

The Impact of Ignoring Individual Mobility Across Clusters in Multilevel Discrete-Time Survival Analysis [Paper Session]
Cappelli, C.J., Leroux, A. J. & Masyn, K. E. (2020). The Impact of Ignoring Individual Mobility Across Clusters in Multilevel Discrete-Time Survival Analysis [Paper Session]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Conference Canceled)

An Exploration of the Sources of Self-Efficacy Identified by Early Career Noyce Teachers [Roundtable Session]
Gale, J., Alemdar, M., Cappelli, C. & Morris, D. B. (2020) An Exploration of the Sources of Self-Efficacy Identified by Early Career Noyce Teachers [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA. (Conference Canceled)

We Get to See What Works: Teacher Commitment to Curriculum within a Research Practice Partnership
Koval, J, Gale, J., Alemdar, M., Grossman, S., Usselman, M. (2020, March). “We Get to See What Works: Teacher Commitment to Curriculum within a Research Practice Partnership.” Presented at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Portland, OR. [download]