
Evaluating university-based summer STEM programs: Challenges, successes, and lessons learned
Cappelli, C. J., Boice, K. L., & Alemdar, M. (2019). Evaluating university-based summer STEM programs: Challenges, successes, and lessons learned. Journal of STEM Outreach. doi:10.15695/jstem/v2i1.13 [download]

The tiny house project: Building engineering proficiency and self-efficacy through applied engineering at the high school level
Gale, J. & White, B. (2019). The tiny house project: Building engineering proficiency and self-efficacy through applied engineering at the high school level. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference, Tampa, FL.

Students’ experience with collaborative engineering design challenges in a middle school engineering course
Gale, J., Alemdar, M., & Moore, R. (2019). Students’ experience with collaborative engineering design challenges in a middle school engineering course. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference, Tampa, FL.

K-12 InVenture Prize: Teacher reflections on educating K-12 inventors
Moore, R.A., Newton, S., & Alemdar, M. (2019). K-12 InVenture Prize: Teacher reflections on educating K-12 inventors. Technology and Innovation, 20, 221 - 233.

External representation design-for-sustainability intervention in an engineering graphics course
Pucha, R., Dosa, K., Alemdar, M., & Newton, S. (2019). External representation design-for-sustainability intervention in an engineering graphics course. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference, Tampa, FL.

Mining Online Training Log Data
Mehringer, S., Myers, C.R., Houchins, J., & Rivera, L. (2019, July). Mining Online Training Log Data. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) (PEARC '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 84, 8 pages. DOI: [download]

Campus Champions: Building and sustaining a thriving community of practice around research computing and data
Brazil, M., Brunson, D., Culich, A., DeStefano, L., Jennewein, D., Jolley, T., Middelkoop, T., Neeman, H., Rivera, L., Smith, J., & Wernert, J. (2019, July). Campus Champions: Building and sustaining a thriving community of practice around research computing and data. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) (PEARC '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 78, 7 pages. DOI: [download]


Early career teachers' personal support networks and their impact on retention and persistence in schools
Alemdar, M., Cappelli, C.J., & Gale, J. (2019, September). Early career teachers' personal support networks and their impact on retention and persistence in schools. Poster presented at European Conference on Social Networks, Zurich, Switzerland.

Using social network analysis to evaluate the impact of community partnership on a statewide literacy initiative
Alemdar, M., Cappelli, C.J., Rana, S., Jackson, J., & DeStefano, L. (2019, November). Using social network analysis to evaluate the impact of community partnership on a statewide literacy initiative. Paper presented at American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN.

It's not a project. It's a real thing that could save lives
Gale, J. (2019, April). "It's not a project. It's a real thing that could save lives": A case study of applied engineering at the high school level. Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching conference, Baltimore, MD.

The Evaluation of Communities of Practice: Lessons Learned from Case Study Research at a STEAM School
Gale, J. & Boice, K. (2019, November). The Evaluation of Communities of Practice: Lessons Learned from Case Study Research at a STEAM School. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Developing curricular sustainability within a math and science partnership
Koval, J., Alemdar, M., Gale, J., Newton, S., & Usselman, M. (February, 2019). Developing curricular sustainability within a math and science partnership. Paper presented at the National Association for Research on Science Teaching annual conference, Baltimore, MD.

Freshman Engineering Students See Value in Sustainability-themed Project-based Learning
Pucha, R., Newton, S., & Alemdar, M. (2019, October). Freshman Engineering Students See Value in Sustainability-themed Project-based Learning. Presented at 2019 AASHE Conference & Expo, Spokane, WA, USA.
Pucha, R., Newton, S., & Alemdar, M. (2019, October). Freshman Engineering Students See Value in Sustainability-themed Project-based Learning. Presented at Sustainability Showcase: Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Diversity Panel Discussion hosted by Intel Corporation
Rivera, L. (November, 2019). Diversity Panel Discussion hosted by Intel Corporation. Invited panelist at the SC19 conference, Denver, Colorado.  

The Long Game: Increasing Latinx Representation in STEM Evaluation
Rivera, L., (November, 2019). The Long Game: Increasing Latinx Representation in STEM Evaluation. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota.