
Evaluation of a Noyce program: Development of teacher leaders in STEM education
Alemdar, M., Cappelli, C. J., Criswell, B. A., & Rushton, G. T. (2018). Evaluation of a Noyce program: Development of teacher leaders in STEM education. Evaluation and Program Planning, 71, 1–11. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.06.005 [download]

The impact of a middle school engineering course on students’ academic achievement and non-cognitive skills
Alemdar, M., Moore, R. A., Lingle, J. A., Rosen, J., Gale, J., & Usselman, M. C. (2018). The impact of a middle school engineering course on students’ academic achievement and non-cognitive skills. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology6(4), 363–380. Retrieved from [download]

Measuring Functional Impairment in Children and Adolescents: Psychometric Properties of the Columbia Impairment Scale (CIS)
Attell, B. K., Cappelli, C., Manteuffel, B., & Li, H. (2018). Measuring Functional Impairment in Children and Adolescents: Psychometric Properties of the Columbia Impairment Scale (CIS). Evaluation and the Health Professions, 1–27. doi:10.1177/0163278718775797 [download]

Strengthening the vision: Examining the understanding of a framework for teacher leadership development by experienced science teachers
Criswell, B. A., Rushton, G. T., Nachtigall, D., Staggs, S., Alemdar, M., & Cappelli, C. J. (2018). Strengthening the vision: Examining the understanding of a framework for teacher leadership development by experienced science teachers. Science Education102(6), 1265–1287. doi:10.1002/sce.21472 [download]

Developing Engineering Proficiency and Self-Efficacy Through a Middle School Engineering Course (Fundamental)
Gale, J. D., Alemdar, M., Lingle, J., Newton, S. H., Moore, R. A., & Rosen, J. H. (2018, June), Developing Engineering Proficiency and Self-Efficacy Through a Middle School Engineering Course (Fundamental). Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference, Tampa, FL. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Implementing NGSS engineering disciplinary core ideas in middle school science classrooms: Results from the field
Gale, J., Koval, J., Ryan, M., Usselman, M., & Wind, S. (2018). Implementing NGSS engineering disciplinary core ideas in middle school science classrooms: Results from the field. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research9(1). doi:10.7771/2157-9288.1185 [download]

Paving the Road into College and STEM for Latino Students
Hernandez, D., Usselman, M., Rana, S., Alemdar, M., & Rao, A. (2018). Paving the Road into College and STEM for Latino Students. The Journal of STEM Outreach1(1). doi:10.15695/jstem/v1i1.14 [download]

An investigation of students’ experiences in a K-12 invention program (Evaluation)
Newton, S. H., Alemdar, M., Moore, R. A., & Cappelli, C. J. (2018). An investigation of students’ experiences in a K-12 invention program (Evaluation). Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference​, Salt Lake City, UT. Retrieved from [download]

Incorporating industrial design pedagogy into a mechanical engineering graphics course: a discipline-based education research (DBER) approach
Newton, S., Alemdar, M., Hilton, E., Linsey, J., & Fu, K. (2018). Incorporating industrial design pedagogy into a mechanical engineering graphics course: a discipline-based education research (DBER) approach. International Journal of STEM Education5(1), 1-14. doi:10.1186/s40594-018-0122-7 [download]


Science Integration in a Middle School Engineering Course
Alemdar, M. Gale, J., Newton, S., Lingle, J. Rosen, J., Moore, J. (2018, March). Science Integration in a Middle School Engineering Course. Poster presented at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

The Role of Social Networks and Self-Efficacy in the Retention of Noyce Teachers
Alemdar, M., Cappelli, C., Gale, J., Rana, S. (2018, July). The Role of Social Networks and Self-Efficacy in the Retention of Noyce Teachers. Poster presented at the 2018 Noyce Summit, Washington, D.C.. Retrieved from [view]

An Exploratory Study: The Role of Social Networks and Self-Efficacy in the Retention of Noyce Teachers
Alemdar, M., Cappelli, C., Gale, J., Rana, S. (2018, June). An Exploratory Study: The Role of Social Networks and Self-Efficacy in the Retention of Noyce Teachers. Poster presented at the International Network for Social Network Analysis Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands. Retrieved from [view]

The Role of Social Networks and Self-Efficacy in the Retention of Noyce Teachers
Alemdar, M., Cappelli, C., Gale, J., Rana, S., Abdus-Salaam, R. (2018, June). The Role of Social Networks and Self-Efficacy in the Retention of Noyce Teachers. Poster presented at the Southeast Regional Noyce Conference, Mobile, AL. Retrieved from [view]

AGORA: An Argument Visualization Tool to Stimulate Reflection and Self-Correction
Catrambone, R., Hoffmann, M. & Lingle, J. (2018, November). AGORA: An Argument Visualization Tool to Stimulate Reflection and Self-Correction. Poster presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA. Retrieved from

The Role Cultural Competency Plays in Teaching Data Science
Gaither, K., Gomez, R., Turner, H., DeStefano, L., Rivera, L., & Bland, M. (2018, July). The Role Cultural Competency Plays in Teaching Data Science. Paper presented at the PEARC18 conference, Pittsburgh, PA. [download]

Exploring Curriculum Implementation Using Self-Report Enactment Checklists
Gale, J., Grossman, S., Ryan, Newton, S., M., Usselman, M. (2018, March). Exploring Curriculum Implementation Using Self-Report Enactment Checklists. Poster presented at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

To Speak, or Not to Speak: Revealing Cultural & Contextual Dimensions of Speaking Truth to Power Through Skits
Garcia, G., Rivera, L., Gopez, G., Boyce, A., & Gates, E. (2018, October). To Speak, or Not to Speak: Revealing Cultural & Contextual Dimensions of Speaking Truth to Power Through Skits. Think Tank presented at the Evaluation 2018 Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.

Becoming better evaluators through reflective practice
Gates, E., Gopez, G., Boyce, A., Rivera, L., & Garcia, G. (2018, March). Becoming better evaluators through reflective practice. Presentation at the Chamblee Campus Evaluation Community of Practice meeting at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.

AMP-IT-UP: Science and Math Curriculum Modules to Cultivate the Next Generation of STEM Innovators
Grossman, S., Koval, J., Rosen, J., Edwards, D., Usselman, U., Alemdar, M., & Newton, S. (March, 2018). AMP-IT-UP: Science and Math Curriculum Modules to Cultivate the Next Generation of STEM Innovators. Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching and Learning Conference, Savannah, GA. Retrieved from [download]

Creating Effective Online Training Videos from Live Training Event Recordings
Mehringer, S., Maiden, T., Rivera, L., & Urbanic, T. (2018, July). Creating Effective Online Training Videos from Live Training Event Recordings. Paper presented at the PEARC18 conference, Pittsburgh, PA. doi:10.1145/3219104.3219119 [download]

Strategies for Inclusive and Scalable HPC Outreach and Education
Mullen, J., Filinger, W., Maiden, T., Brown, N., Rivera, L., Urbanic, J., Nunez, K., Johnston, B., Pesatova, K., & Quinson, M. (2018, November). Strategies for Inclusive and Scalable HPC Outreach and Education. Birds of a Feather presented at SC18 in Dallas, Texas.

Assessment of Practice-Focused Middle School Science Modules
Newton, S., Gale, J., Alemdar, M., & Wind, S. (2018, March). Assessment of Practice-Focused Middle School Science Modules. Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching and Learning Conference, Savannah, GA. Retrieved from [download]

Breaking the Glass Ceiling:  Successfully Identifying and Addressing Selection Bias in a Student Program
Rivera, L. (2018, August). Breaking the Glass Ceiling:  Successfully Identifying and Addressing Selection Bias in a Student Program. Keynote speaker at Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium Symposium (RMACC18), University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado. 

Effectively Responding to Discrimination
Rivera, L. (2018, November). Effectively Responding to Discrimination. Invited speaker at the Women in HPC Workshop. Presented at the SC18 conference, Dallas, Texas.  

Science Modules Designed to Serve STEM Integration and NGSS
Ryan, M., Usselman, M., Alemdar, M., Grossman, S., & Koval, J. (2018, March). Science Modules Designed to Serve STEM Integration and NGSS. Poster presented at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

Integrating Middle School STEM in Practice: Constraints to the Nature and Scope
Usselman, M., Ryan, M., & Alemdar, M. (2018, March). Integrating Middle School STEM in Practice: Constraints to the Nature and Scope. Poster presented at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

Are We Part of the Problem or Solution?: Using Systems Approaches to Speak Truth(s) to Power(s) for Better or Worse
Williams, B., McNall, M., Gates, E., & Rivera, L. (October, 2018). Are We Part of the Problem or Solution?: Using Systems Approaches to Speak Truth(s) to Power(s) for Better or Worse. Presidential Strand panel presented at the Evaluation 2018 Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.