Developing an Engineering Design Process Assessment Using Think- Aloud Interviews
Alemdar, M., Lingle, J., Moore, R., & Wind, S. (2016). Developing an Engineering Design Process Assessment Using Think- Aloud Interviews. International Journal of Engineering Education, 33(1B). [download]
Implementing a collaborative online course to extend access to HPC skills
Gordon, S.I., Demmel, J., DeStefano, L., & Rivera, L. (2016). Implementing a collaborative online course to extend access to HPC skills. Computing in Science & Engineering, 18(73), 73-79. doi:10.1109/MCSE.2016.6 [download]
The development and effects of teaching perspective free-hand sketching in engineering design
Hilton, E., Li, W., Newton, S. H., Alemdar, M., Pucha, R., & Linsey, J. (2016). The development and effects of teaching perspective free-hand sketching in engineering design. Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 3(2010). doi:10.1115/DETC2016-60250 [download]
The engineering design log: A digital design journal facilitating learning and assessment (RTP)
Moore, R., Alemdar, M., Lingle, J. A., Newton, S. H., Rosen, J. H., & Usselman, M. (2016). The engineering design log: A digital design journal facilitating learning and assessment (RTP). Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference, Baton Rouge, LA.
Critical and creative thinking activities for engaged learning in graphics and visualization course
Pucha, R., Utschig, T. T., Newton, S. H., Alemdar, M., Moore, R., & Noyes, C. R. (2016). Critical and creative thinking activities for engaged learning in graphics and visualization course. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference, Baton Rouge, LA. doi:10.18260/p.26596
The impact of STEM innovation and design courses on secondary students’ achievement and non-cognitive skills related to engineering design
Alemdar, M., Lingle, J., Moore, R., Newton, S., Usselman, M., & Wind, S. (2016, February). The impact of STEM innovation and design courses on secondary students’ achievement and non-cognitive skills related to engineering design. Poster presented at the Georgia Tech STEM Education Research Expo, Atlanta, GA.
The development of STEM innovation and engineering design courses, and its impact on middle school students’ achievement and non-cognitive skills related
Alemdar, M., Rosen, J., Moore, F., Lingle, J., Newton, S., & Wind, S. (2016, August). The development of STEM innovation and engineering design courses, and its impact on middle school students’ achievement and non-cognitive skills related. Poster presented at the 3rd annual P-12 Engineering and Design Research Summit, Chicago, IL.
How to Build Diverse Teams for More Effective Research
Collis, A., Rivera, L. (2016, November). How to Build Diverse Teams for More Effective Research. BoF presented at the SC16 conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
The Best of Both Worlds: How a Performance Dashboard Can Aide Program Evaluation Efforts in STEM
DeStefano, L., & Rivera, L. (2016, October). The Best of Both Worlds: How a Performance Dashboard Can Aide Program Evaluation Efforts in STEM. Presented at the Evaluation 2016 conference in Atlanta, GA.
The development and effects of teaching perspective free-hand sketching in engineering design
Hilton, E., Li, W., Newton, S.H., Alemdar, M., Pucha, R., & Linsey, J. (2016, August). The development and effects of teaching perspective free-hand sketching in engineering design. Poster presented at the ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference: Charlotte, NC.
The Development and Validation of an Engineering Assessment
Lingle, J., Alemdar, M., Moore, R., Usselman, M. (2016, April). The Development and Validation of an Engineering Assessment. Poster presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Retrieved from [download]
Critical and creative thinking activities for engaged learning in graphics and visualization course
Pucha, R., Utschig, T. T., Newton, S. H., Alemdar, M., Moore, R., & Noyes, C. R. (2016). Critical and creative thinking activities for engaged learning in graphics and visualization course. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. doi:10.18260/p.26596 [download]
Process-oriented intervention and reflection strategies for creativity in student design projects
Pucha, R.V., Newton, S.H., Alemdar, M., & Utschig, T.T. (2016, November). Process-oriented intervention and reflection strategies for creativity in student design projects. Poster presented at the Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity (4th ICDC), Atlanta, GA.
Methods that Work: Evidence-based Advice on Diversifying the HPC Community
Rivera, L. (2016, November). Methods that Work: Evidence-based Advice on Diversifying the HPC Community. Invited speaker at Women in HPC Workshop. Presented at the SC16 conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Debugging a Biased Student Selection System
Rivera, L. (2016, June). Debugging a Biased Student Selection System. Guest seminar presented to the nano@illinois Research Experience for Teachers program participants, Champaign, Illinois.
Rivera, L. (2016, June). Debugging a Biased Student Selection System. Invited speaker at the Compute Canada TECC Summit for Compute Canada staff at the University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada.
Methods that Work: Evidence-based Advice on Diversifying the HPC Community
Rivera, L. (2016, June). Methods that Work: Evidence-based Advice on Diversifying the HPC Community. Invited speaker at Women in HPC Workshop. Presented at the ISC16 conference, Frankfurt, Germany.
Panel: Building A Better Workforce – Best Practices in Diversity and Inclusion. Paper: Overcoming Unconscious Bias
Rivera, L. (2016, June). Panel: Building A Better Workforce – Best Practices in Diversity and Inclusion. Paper: Overcoming Unconscious Bias. Invited panelist and moderator at the CANHEIT | HPCS 2016 conference held at the University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada.
Research Reporting
Rivera, L. (2016, March). Research Reporting. Guest lecture for University of North Carolina at Greensboro course ERM 604: Methods of Educational Research, Greensboro, North Carolina.
Encouraging Diversity in Outreach Programs
Rivera, L. (2016, November). Encouraging Diversity in Outreach Programs. Invited speaker at HPC Outreach: Promoting Supercomputing to the Next Generation BoF. Presented at the SC16 conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.